Online Application for Pre B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam (BSCN) - 2024 Click Here For Post Basic B. Sc Nursing Entrance Exam (PBN-2024) Click Here For M. Sc Nursing Entrance Exam (MSCN) - 2024   Click here



As a Community health nursing professional, you are called on to provide access to health care to many who may not normally be able to afford medical services. Your patients include poor and uninsured populations from culturally and economically diverse backgrounds.

A Community health nurse strives to promote prevention over treatment. By correcting poor health practices and maintaining a safe home or work environment, patients lower risks to their health and require fewer visits to health care facilities. The goal of a public health nursing career is to educate patients through community-based intervention programs, which identify and correct multiple health issues:

  • Improper diet
  • Infectious and sexually transmitted diseases
  • Social violence
  • Substance abuse
  • Teen pregnancy

Your nursing carrier in public health can lead to several different working environments, including a patient's home, community center and workplace, to provide medical assistance or perform inspections. Opportunities to use your nursing degree can be found in facilities that treat patients 24 hours a day, but employment for a school or business usually provides a stable work schedule within their hours of operation.

Emergency response positions are available with the federal government in teams leading sanitary relief efforts for the survivors of disasters. Large-scale disasters require emergency plans, created by public health nurses, to be in place beforehand to minimize possible dangers and aid in the safe evacuation and housing of victims, if necessary.

While most nurses care for one patient at a time, public health nurses care for entire populations. By working with whole communities, public health nurses are able to educate people about health issues, improve community health and safety and increase access to care.



RITOFEST- 23rd March 2024

Annual fest of RITEE Group of Institutes.

21st June 2024 International Yoga Day

The International Day of Yoga is a day in recognition of Yoga that is celebrated across the world annually on June 21, following its adoption by the United Nations in 2014. The day is aimed at raising awareness across the globe about the many benefits of practicing yoga. Venue: RITEE Main Campus.

28th July 2024 World Hepatitis Day

It is celebrated to raise awareness about viral hepatitis which is an inflammation of the liver that causes various problems like liver cancer. Venue: Seminar Hall.

1st August – 7th August 2024 World Breast Feeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week begins each year on the 1st August and runs right through until the 7th to generate public awareness and support for breastfeeding. Various activities are planned on different days to promote awareness for breast feeding Venue: PHC, Mandir Hasaud.